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30 min Massage, singles or couples
30 min Massage, singles or couples
Back, neck & shoulders or area of your choice.
30 min30 minMaidstone
From 40 British pounds
From £40
Service Description
Relax and unwind. With the choice of area, we can tailor the treatment to your needs. On the back, neck and shoulders we can target and knots, tension or tightness to ease any aches or pains. Aromatherapy oils can be added for a more blissful and therapeutic experience. Hot stones can be used to improve your circulation and focus on your muscles. (£5 extra) Deep tissue massages manipulates the inner muscles and soft tissues to relieve more chronic aches and pains. (£5 extra)

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or re-schedule please contact us 24hrs in advance, thank you.
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